Build a powerful Zapier integration
Scale success for your users by joining Zapier's ecosystem of 6,000+ integrations.

Enhance your product value and user interface by adding automation

Provide a seamless in-app experience
Bring the power of automation to your users within your own product.

Connect with 6,000+ apps
Build and maintain one integration to connect with thousands of apps on Zapier.

Help your customers achieve more
Automation allows your users to build more mission-critical workflows within your app.
Build your integration your way

Two ways to build
Choose from our Platform UI, with its low-code visual builder, or the Platform CLI, which is best for more complex integrations.

Easy creation with a visual builder
Need a quick option? Connect your API with a low-code experience.

More advanced options
Use our command line interface (CLI) to connect your API and get all of the advanced features of the Zapier Platform.
"Enhancing user experience remains a top priority at, and integrating Zapier aligns seamlessly with this core principle. It opens up a multitude of automation and workflow possibilities for our users, solidifying as the central hub and ultimate reference point for their everyday tasks."
Founder & CEO at
Want to build an internal integration?
Learn more about building a private app for your team.