Create integrations between HubSpot and ChatGPT to automate any workflow

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work that solves their unique business problems—no coding required.
Create your first workflow
Quickly automate workflows with HubSpot and ChatGPT using Zapier's templates.
Our most popular template
How Zapier works
Zapier lets you build automated workflows between two or more apps—no code necessary. These workflows are called Zaps, and this is how they work.
A trigger is where automation begins

Now it's time for action

And that's it! You've just created a Zap.

Connect HubSpot and ChatGPT to integrate crucial parts of your business
With Zapier, you can integrate everything from basic data entry to end-to-end processes. Here are some of the business-critical workflows that people automate with Zapier.
Automate your lead management and improve conversions

Connect your tools and unlock the power of automation
With Zapier's 6,000 integrations, you can unify your tools within a connected system to improve your team's efficiency and deepen their impact.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planEmail Subscriptions Timeline
Triggers when new email timeline subscription added for the portal.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planContact ListRequired
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Property NameRequired
Properties to retrieveRequired
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planProperty NameRequired
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Note
List NameRequired
Contact EmailRequired
Halt my task if contact is already a member of the list
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Create Company
Creates a Company in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Create Associations
Creates associations between objects.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
Social Media ChannelRequired
Message ContentRequired
Save as draft
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Create Deal
Creates a Deal in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Company IDRequired
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Deal IDRequired
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Line_item IDRequired
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Ticket IDRequired
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
Blog URLRequired
Blog AuthorRequired
Publish This Post?Required
Blog Post URLRequired
Blog Post TitleRequired
Blog Post ContentRequired
Meta DescriptionRequired
Featured image URL
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Create Product
Creates a Product in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
List NameRequired
Contact EmailRequired
Halt my task if contact wasn't a member of the listRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Create Ticket
Creates a Ticket in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Update Contact
Update a Contact in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Update Line_item
Update a Line_item in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Update Ticket
Update a Ticket in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
Contact EmailRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Api Docs Info
HTTP MethodRequired
Query String Parameters
Additional Request Headers
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNote
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appFind Associations
Find associations between objects.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appObject TypeRequired
Pipeline IdRequired
Stage IdRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundNote
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundText to Be AnalyzedRequired
Info 1
Max Tokens
Top P
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Copy
Moderation ModelRequired
Text to be classifiedRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Model
New Files
Existing Files
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Unstructured TextRequired
Values to ExtractRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Text to Be SummarizedRequired
Info 1
Max Tokens
Top P
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Recipient NameRequired
Recipient EmailRequired
From NameRequired
Email PromptRequired
Body TypeRequired
Info 3
Max Tokens
Top P
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Api Docs Info
HTTP MethodRequired
Query String Parameters
Additional Request Headers
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Filename To Search ForRequired
File Purpose To Search For
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appFilename To Search ForRequired
File Purpose To Search For
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planBlog UrlRequired
Article StateRequired
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
Additional properties to retrieve
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNote
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Create Contact
Creates a Contact in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
Halt task if any associations error occurred
Engagement TypeRequired
Assigned To
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
Workflow NameRequired
Contact's EmailRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Contact IDRequired
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Product IDRequired
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Create Line_item
Creates a Line_item in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
Contact Email AddressRequired
Event IDRequired
Contact Value
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Remove Associations
Removes associations between objects.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
HubSpot usertoken
IP address
Page name
Page URI
Page ID
SFDC campaign ID
GoToWebinar key/ID
Submission timestamp
Skip validation
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Update Company
Update a Company in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Update Deal
Update a Deal in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Update Product
Update a Product in HubSpot.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Welcome
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Note
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appOwner emailRequired
Search among deactivated owners
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appOwner IdRequired
Search among deactivated owners
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNote
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundNote
Additional properties to retrieve
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundMessage
Max Tokens
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Info 1
Info 2
User MessageRequired
Memory Key
Info 3
User Name
Assistant Name
Assistant Instructions
Max Tokens
Top P
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Text to Be ClassifiedRequired
Info 1
Max Tokens
Top P
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.MessageRequired
Assistant Name
Assistant Instructions
Conversation ID
New Files
Existing Files
Response Instructions
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.PromptRequired
Number of desired results
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.FileRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Welcome
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Name To Search ForRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appName To Search ForRequired
New Files
Existing Files
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found
Zapier's blog offers the low-down on automating ChatGPT
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Join millions worldwide who automate their work using Zapier
Workflows From Zapier Users
- Generate transcript, call notes, and log to Hubspot
- Chat gpt x Hubspot
- Enrich New Hubspot Contact with LeadMagic API -> Prompt ChatGPT
- Success Gong Summaries (Active)
- Fill up company context thanks to ChatGPT
- BlogerBot V3-0815
- Automation Guide - AI Prompt, Send to HubSpot Email
- Startup Screen Note Creator Bot
- SDR chat Prompt (From SDR AI Property)
- Pre Call Prep by Deal
- Customer Summarizer - HubSpot Companies
- 1. Auto-reply to HubSpot support requests with ChatGPT
- BlogerV2
- Industry Enrichment w/ ChatGPT
- Form and ChatGPT
- Enrich HubSpot with Company Information from Calendly Bookings
- in person - new jobs resume document in folder
- Pre Call Company Info
- Copy: Reply to Gmail with ChatGPT
- Send Personalized Thank You Email When a New Transaction is Made in Classy
- Script d'appels & mails automatique dans Hubspot